0330 333 3333


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If you wish to send us a message or provide feedback on our website, please send us a message using the contact form below. You can also email us at enq@einsure.co.uk

Einsure is not an insurance provider and is part of Cocoon Vehicles Ltd who is an Introduced Appointed Representative (IAR) of Seopa Ltd (FRN: 313860).

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are my insurance documents?

Einsure (“Us”) and QuoteZone (“Partner”) are not an insurance provider. If you have any queries or requests regarding your insurance documents, please get in touch with the insurance provider directly and request that they send you out a copy via post or email.

Some insurance providers in the UK may also make your insurance documents available online via a portal or login, you might be able to access these through logging on to their website. Don’t forget to also check your Spam or junk folder in your email.

Einsure (“Us”) and QuoteZone (“Partner”) are not an insurance provider. But you should be able to request this from your previous insurance provider. It may also be documented on a renewal letter or cancellation request.

You can also speak to your previous insurance provider and ask for your no-claims history in a letter.

Einsure (“Us”) and QuoteZone (“Partner”) are not an insurance provider. Your current/previous insurance provider should have written or emailed you with your policy information, most probably around the date of renewal.

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